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Dieses Thema hat 21 Antworten
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Jupp Offline

Capitol Gold

Beiträge: 4.182

14.05.2004 18:14
#16 RE:Vor Fünf Jahren Zitat · Antworten

In Antwort auf:
aber an diesem Tag haben bisher noch alle ohne Murren auf Frank getrunken

Wenn du zahlst gib's sicher keine Probleme ....

Miner Offline

Reprise Bronze

Beiträge: 9.149

14.05.2004 18:22
#17 RE:Vor Fünf Jahren Zitat · Antworten

Da kennst mich aber schlecht LOL

. . . . . . . . . . .

ASturm Offline

Capitol Silber

Beiträge: 2.739

21.05.2004 01:03
#18 RE:Vor Fünf Jahren Zitat · Antworten

Leider bin ich etwas spät aber ich möchte trotzdem nocheinmal etwas zu dem Thema schreiben.

Als ich den Vorschlag von Marcus gelesen habe "The Way you look tonight" habe ich es gleich ausprobiert.
Das Lied hat wirklich schon etwas.
Aber wie bist du da eigendlich draufbekommen Marcus, das du das Lied immer im ZUsammenhang am 14 Mai hörst? Gab es da ein besonderes Erlebniss?

Ich persönlich höre mir immer "Last performance" an.
The Best is yet to come ist einfach eine der Besten wenn nicht sogar die Beste Version des Liedes, die er dargeboten hat!
Magic, moments, When two hearts are carin’,
Magic, moments, Memories we’ve been sharin’ . . .
I’ll never forget the moment we kissed,
The night of the hayride,
These magic, moments, Filled with love!

Marc Offline

Reprise Junior

Beiträge: 7.022

13.07.2004 18:03
#19 RE:Vor Fünf Jahren Zitat · Antworten

Hallo zusammen,

über folgendes bin ich gerade gestoßen:

I pass along an e-mail sent by my sister. She is a mezzo-soprano
with the Chicago Lyric Opera, and works that nebulous realm
of church and synagogue gigs that classical singers can get.
hat follows is a description of Frank Sinatra's funeral, passed along
to her by a colleague who sang at the gig.

Wade Hampton Miller

< I thought this was interesting, from a singer's point of view. Of
course, if choirs of angels DID meet ol' Frank, I strongly suspect
that they were singing the "Dies irae," and that they weren't exactly
wafting him heavenward, either.

you might be interested in her account.

In a message dated 5/24/98 10:48:56 AM, susan wrote:

<might like to know, I will now attempt to describe the goings-on at Frank
Sinatra's funeral services at Good Shepherd last week from the

It was GREAT. I arrived at the church early Tuesday and did not leave until
Wednesday afternoon (Father Colm O'Ryan let me stay in one of the spare rooms
in the rectory). It's a good thing I stayed, because the security lock-down
was so tight that you couldn't fart without the secret service agent nearby
talking into his sleeve "the singer just farted, over". I cantored a funeral
Tuesday morning for a beloved parishioner (the Cardinal said her mass!), and
then went to grab a bite of lunch with my friend Samantha Eggar (we went to
the Nosh, of course, for those of you who know the neighborhood--Catherine!!),
who is an actress and recognizable. When we walked back to the church, we were
met by a reporter and camerman from NBC News. He asked to interview us each
about the funeral. We were on the news at 4 and 6 p.m. that afternoon. As the
afternoon wore on toward the evening vigil, people began trying very crazy
stunts to get into the church and steal a flower from the altar---it was wild.
Speaking of flowers....the family budgeted $50,000 for flowers, and there were
more flowers in that church than you can ever imagine. The Cardinal's
assistant (Hunky Monsignor Kevin Kostelnik) became apoplectic upon arriving to
find no room left on the altar area for human beings!! There were 200
gardenias on the coffin, which arrived around 6 p.m. in a hearse which they
parked behind the rectory. (The gardenias wilted overnight and were replaced
the next morning by 200 MORE fresh gardenias!!! By the way, I was given a
gardenia to wear, which is now being pressed for posterity). The entire
grounds were draped with white cloths to block cameras and aerial views, so we
went from living in a fishbowl to living in a cloth-draped fishbowl. The
police fenced off the side walks opposite the church on all sides, and nobody
was permitted to even walk on the sidewalk near the church. There were camera
trucks for blocks. There were helicopters flying over us almost constantly.
At about 5 p.m. Tuesday I was up in my room getting dressed and I turned on
the news where they were showing a live aerial view of the church, and I could
hear the self-same copter thwuck-thwuck-thwucking outside my window! yeeesh.
It was almost like being in a movie.

The vigil service consisted of readings, a sung psalm (Like a Child Rests,
composed and accompanied at the piano by Chris Walker) and Gospel acclamation
(plainsong, just little old Susan), the rosary, eulogies (Tony Bennett and
Nancy Sinatra & her daughter), the Lord's Prayer and then the choir sang
Sicut Cervus (Palestrina) as the people left the service.
The Funeral mass was magnificent. We sang "Joyful, Joyful" as the entrance
hymn; the psalm was "Shepherd Me O God", plainsong Gospel acclamation;
preparation of the gifts was the choir singing "God is Love" by Schiavone;
eucharistic acclamations were Mass of Creation; Victoria Agnus Dei; communion
was choir singing Matthew's "The Lord is My Shepherd"; then, as everyone sat
down from communion, we heard strings playing and all of a sudden it was Frank
Sinatra's voice, singing "Put Your Dreams Away". The whole place dissolved
into tears. Very emotional moment. The eulogies followed (Gregory Peck, Kirk
Douglas, Frank Jr. and three others) and were truly delightful. Then it was
time to do the commendation. I sang the Hughes "I know that my Redeemer
Lives". Then for the recessional, the choir and I sang the Ernie Sands "Song
of Farewell". It was terribly moving, to watch the casket being carried out
to the words "May the choirs of angels come to greet you, may they speed you
to Paradise; may the Lord enfold you in His mercy, may you find Eternal Life".

The singing went very very well for me, and the liturgies were called
"classy", "emotional but elegant" and "beautiful and poignant" by the celebs
that were interviewed later. I sang alot--I was the only soloist/performer at
the services, other than Frank Sinatra himself. It was kinda unnerving to look
out on the congregation and see Jack Nicholson, Tom Selleck, Liza Minelli,
Jack Lemmon, Kirk Douglas, Gregory Peck, Quincy Jones, Sidney Poitier, Sophia
Loren, Mia Farrow, Bob Newhart, Dom DeLuise, Don Rickles, Robert Wagner, Jill
St. John, Joey Bishop, Frank Jr., Nancy Sinatra, Vic Damone, Nancy Reagan, Ted
Kennedy, Dionne Warwick, etc etc smiling back at me and singing the refrains
of the psalms with me (well, to be truthful, Don Rickles did NOT sing). After
the funeral, I was walking to my office and was stopped by Steve Lawrence,
Edie Gormet and Bruce Springsteen (now THERE"S an odd trio...). I was hugged
and kissed and told that I sing like an angel, and my facial expressions and
physical gestures are so perfect that it made them want to convert to
Catholicism just so they could come to church and hear me sing. Good Grief!!!
I burst into tiny tears and was reduced to mumbling "Oh My GOD.....thank
you....Oh My GOD...." like a blithering idiot. I have also been contacted by
someone for Quincy Jones, and the church office has been getting calls asking
who that masked cantor was. I don't know if anything will come of this. I
didn't do it to further my career in the first place. I did it because it is
what I do, and as a church musician it is my duty to the Sinatras and all
grieving families to sing a comforting funeral mass which celebrates the life
of their loved one. But I have no regrets about my performance, especially
the Ave Maria which went beautifully, and if it does get me more work then
that's OK with me. Unfortunately, it has been widely reported that Tony
Bennett sang the Ave Maria, and I have received numerous emails from my so-
called friends, addressed to "Tony Bennett"... I have a feeling I may never
live it down....but hey, if I become a Trivial Pursuit question, you will all
know the correct answer!

I welcome questions from any of you who have them. It was an unforgettable
experience, and I am grateful to you all for your pride and faith in me and
your happiness for me. Just don't call me Tony.

Auf jeden Fall interessant zu lesen!
Weiß jemand ob das stimmt? Ich wusste gar nicht, dass "Put Your Dreams Away" gespielt wurde?!

Those fingers in my hair
That sly come hither stare
That strips my conscience bare
It's witchcraft

Bernhard Offline

It's Sinatra's World

Beiträge: 14.698

13.07.2004 21:14
#20 RE:Vor Fünf Jahren Zitat · Antworten

Klingt sehr authentisch, Marc. Und - ja, "Put Your Dreams Away" wurde gespielt, das ist absolut sicher verbürgt. Ich hätte auch ne Idee, wer die Dame ist... aber der Link funktioniert leider nicht, Marc, schick ihn nochmal (oder editiere ihn).

"Put Yor Dreams Away" wurde übrigens auch bei vielen Gedenkgottesdiensten für FS hier in Europa gespielt, z.B. in Budapest, Paris und London.


12.12.1915 - 14.5.1998
My Kind Of People!

Marc Offline

Reprise Junior

Beiträge: 7.022

14.07.2004 17:43
#21 RE:Vor Fünf Jahren Zitat · Antworten

Danke für die Info, Doc! Weist du auch, welche Version da gespielt wurde?
Also bei mir funktioniert der Link schon, du musst ihn nur als ganzes in die Adress-Leiste kopieren, da er hier zu lang ist und deswegen nicht komplett verlinkt worden ist...!

Those fingers in my hair
That sly come hither stare
That strips my conscience bare
It's witchcraft

Bernhard Offline

It's Sinatra's World

Beiträge: 14.698

15.07.2004 19:26
#22 RE:Vor Fünf Jahren Zitat · Antworten

Hi Marc,

soweit ich weiß, wurde in Beverly Hills die Reprise-Aufnahme von 1963 gespielt.
Nochmal vielen Dank für den Link, wirklich ein ganz toller Artikel.

Als kleiner Zeitrahmen dazu: Die Rosenkranzvigilien fanden am 19.Mai 1998 statt, und der Hauptgottesdienst am 20.Mai, beides in der Good Shepherd's Church in Beverly Hills, zelebriert vom Erzbischof von Los Angeles. Direkt im Anschluß war dann die Beisetzung im "Desert Memorial Park" in Cathedral City im engsten Familienkreis.


12.12.1915 - 14.5.1998
My Kind Of People!

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