*** DELETED*** I'm sorry, but we don't sell inofficial CDs in our group*** (Admin)
Added 22:33h: Hello "nyjazz99",
thanks for your interest in the OME forum. We hope to hear from you often in the various sections we have for discussing Sinatra and his kind of music.
Re your opening posts, please take a second or two and check our "OME Leitfaden" Forum rules (clickable above on the right, just below the title graphic) before posting. Being a public forum we do not support any sorts of sales etc. of what falls into the category of illegally sold material according to the present European laws. So one from our team of Admins had to edit your postings. Please refrain from using the OME forum and its functions for such any kinds of transactions. Thanks for your kind consideration.
Yours sincerely, The OME team Bernhard Vogel/Co-Admin.
Im sorry for placing my post, trying to sell the unoffical cds. Just trying to unload some stock. I do however have alot of vinyl and offical cds to sell or trade! Sinatra and non Sinatra items. For instance. Sealed sets of the 20 lps Capitol Years and some great dvds. If you are interested, please send me an e-mail.
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