Ich habe das Konzert nicht gefunden.... Weiß jemand mehr?
In Antwort auf: ...I attended a Frank Sinatra concert in a small town in eastern Indiana in 1969 or 1970. It was in that town's high school gymnasium and Jerry Lewis was the OPENER. You heard right, this is all true. I paid a phenomenal $20 for my ticket and drove the hour and a half from Indianapolis where I lived. I was 18 or 19. Frank was appearing to raise money for the family of the police Chief that was killed. It was one of the most precious evenings of my life. I also was able to see Frank two times after that at Market Square Arena in Indianapolis, IN. I want to write a story about this experience of mine. I cannot remember the name of the town or the year. I have lost the ticket stub from my scrapbook. Do you think you might be able to steer me in the right direction?Thanks a million for your great website? I sure miss him...
Bei Feuerwehrmann hätte ich was, aber auch einen anderen Bundesstaat...
------------------------------ Make no mistake, I'm still the old standby, I am as you might guess, at the old address... You can trust that I'll be there, summer, spring or fall: Frank Sinatra - The Main Event http://www.the-main-event.de und http://www.the-main-event.eu ----------------------------------------
Laut Datenbank müsste das Konzert in der Civic Hall in Richmond, VA am 29. August 1970 gewesen sein. (Die Datenbank listet als Staatenkürzel VA, das steht aber für Virginia. Indiana hat IN - also wohl ein Fehler der Datenbank)
Orchester wurde von Bill Miller geleitet, der opening act war Jerry Lewis.
Setlist des Konzerts:
I’ve Got The World On A String I Get A Kick Out Of You Close To You Don't Worry ‘Bout Me Fly Me To The Moon Pennies From Heaven The Lady Is A Tramp Autumn Leaves Yesterday This Is All I Ask I Get Along Without You Very Well Moonlight In Vermont Ol' Man River Angel Eyes You Make Me Feel So Young I’ve Got You Under My Skin My Kind Of Town My Way
--------------------------------------- To the lonely summer-lovers When the leaves begin to fall Here’s to the losers, Bless them all!
------------------------------ Make no mistake, I'm still the old standby, I am as you might guess, at the old address... You can trust that I'll be there, summer, spring or fall: Frank Sinatra - The Main Event http://www.the-main-event.de und http://www.the-main-event.eu ----------------------------------------
In Antwort auf:OMG I believe you are right!! Was it on the website and I missed it?? Thank you thank you! Glad documenting these wonderful events are in your capable hands! Many thanks.
------------------------------ Make no mistake, I'm still the old standby, I am as you might guess, at the old address... You can trust that I'll be there, summer, spring or fall: Frank Sinatra - The Main Event http://www.the-main-event.de und http://www.the-main-event.eu ----------------------------------------
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